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Black Art   =   Black Giving   =   Black Activism   =   Black Living  =   Black Joy 


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The arts hold a significant place within Black communities, serving as a means of expression, identity affirmation, and resistance.


By studying the intersections of the arts and Black philanthropic giving, we aim to highlight the transformative potential of everyday giving within our communities. In contrast to colonized philanthropic practices that use the arts to center on wealth and influence, The Black Donors Project recognizes the intrinsic value of the arts within Black communities and its ability to challenge oppressive narratives. Our research explores how Black philanthropic giving, in conjunction with the arts, can become a powerful tool for dismantling systemic inequities and fostering transformative change.

As a tribute to our rich legacy of Black giving, The Black Donors Project is people-powered, aiming to redefine philanthropy on our own terms. We work to accentuate the cultural capital of the arts and to position Black donors not merely as benefactors but as co-conspirators and catalysts in fostering change. Join us. 


Philadelphia, PA ❘ Washington, DC ❘ Miami, FL ❘ Bronx, NY ❘ Charleston, SC, ❘ Atlanta, GA

Our objectives are strategically aligned with SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities, positioning the collective endeavor to substantially contribute to the development of a society that is more equitable and inclusive.
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